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Other Infections

Protozoan and Fungal infections
Protozoa and fungi are parasites that obtain their food from our bodies. Protozoa are single celled organisms that dwell in moist places like sewage, soil, water etc. Some protozoa spread through a carrier like insects, and the infection is caused through insect bites. Malaria is one such widespread infectious disease that is caused by the bite of a carrier mosquito.

Fungal infections like athlete’s foot and nail infections are mostly pertaining to the skin, however fungi can also cause internal infections called invasive fungal infections. The fungi that cause infections can be classified into two groups-

  • Filamentous fungi: which grow by forming branches known as hyphae
  • Single celled yeast: which grow by cell division and budding.

Some fungi use both the methods to grow while some fungi may form spores that remain dormant for years before causing illness.

Some infectious diseases caused by Protozoa:

  • Malaria
  • Amoebiasis
  • Giardiasis

Some infectious diseases caused by Fungi:

  • Pneumocystis infection
  • Cryptococcosis
  • Sporotrichosis
  • Aspergillosis

Worm infestations

Worms live in human bodies as parasites. The size of these worms range from microscopic to several meters long. Hookworms, pin worms, tape worms, fluke and whip worms infest various parts of the human body like the intestines, blood vessels, liver and lungs. Worm infestations are usually caused due to contaminated food and water.

Infestations caused due to worms:

  • Thread worm infestations
  • Hook worm infestations
  • Toxocariasis
  • Ascariasis
  • Tropical worm infestation
  • Tape worm infestations
  • Hydatid disease

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